Thursday, April 7, 2022

Effects of Increasing distances between America and Russia on the World!

                The defeat of German Nazis in the 2nd World War only became possible due to the union between Americans and the Soviet Union. In this war, the Soviets sacrificed their lives while Americans converted their industrial units into weapon manufacturing units. This is also a ground reality that if troops of Hitler had not been killed in the freezing Russian terrain, the history of World War would have been different. After WWII whole world was divided into two different economical systems: 1) Communism and 2) Capitalism. Western countries that were facing the destruction of WWII choose to remain with America. If we look a little back, Ottoman Empire was already destroyed by Britain creating many new Islamic states ruled by Western puppet governments. During the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union, few Arab States succeeded in toppling the pro-Western regimes and established pro-Moscow governments. Asian and Latin American countries became targets of the Cold War. America used various methods to abstain these countries from joining Soviet Block by appointing puppet governments through investments or local sympathizers. Where political movements and propaganda failed Americans did not abstain from assassinating the anti-American leaders. In the Far, East USA crossed all the limits by establishing United States Army Military Governments in Korea (USAMGK). In 1945, America has already massacred millions of people in Japan in the nuclear attacks. All this was done by America to control and threaten the world after defeating Nazi Germany.

                America became the ally of the West in 1941 against the Nazis; however, just in 5 years, America became so much more powerful than the Super Powers of the West like France, Portugal and Britain had to take help from America for their integrity. Although, during the Cold War many countries became targets of American military or political aggression. The Soviet Union was acknowledged as a Super Power in front of America by American analysts as well. Americans dreaded the Soviet Army so much that they never tried to go in the face to face war with the Soviet Union. Whenever Red Army attacked any country in Eastern Europe, Americans and Western allies remained limited to verbal condemnations. NATO was established for the protection of NATO countries and the USA. In 1979, the Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan; America and its allies remained limited to verbal statements. However, the Afghan Resistance created problems for the Red Army; America realized that if these Afghan Fighters are supported with automatic weapons, Red Army might be defeated. Just in a decade, in 1989, Red Army retreated from Afghanistan as a defeated army; the Soviet Union could not bear this and was disintegrated into various states.

                After the Soviet Union, America was the only Super Power that wanted to destroy anyone having a different opinion through her latest weapons. In order to threaten the world, the American Military might; Americans invaded Afghanistan in the name of the War on Terror under the lame excuses of 9/11. America and its allies were of the view that Afghans will not dare to face the latest lethal weapons but this was their wrong assessment. The world saw, America and its allies retreat from Afghanistan begging for the security of their troops in Afghanistan with the only difference was that the Soviet Union retreated in 1 year and the Americans were defeated in 20 years.

                In these 20 years, America destroyed and looted various Muslim Countries like Iraq, Libya and Syria. These were those countries where people had replaced British imposed puppet governments with pro-Moscow rulers. It is obvious that America and Britain took revenge by removing their puppet governments by killing millions of Muslims in these countries. In the meanwhile, Russia became strong enough to once again stand in front of American imperialistic designs. This time Russia is not alone, China is also with her as a big economical and military power.

                After the American invasion of 2001, Americans facilitated India for spreading terrorism in Pakistan by exploiting her presence in Afghanistan; the purpose behind this massacre of Pakistanis was to please India so that Pakistan is forced to acknowledge Indian might and exploit India against China. Keeping in view the hypocrisy of America, Pakistan decided to establish friendly relations with China as well as Russia which was not acceptable to America. This was decision was not made only by the elected govt. but by the security institutions as well. Terrorism started in Pakistan in 2001 and was defeated by the Pakistan army by sacrificing thousands of lives. The planners of the terrorism had never thought that Pakistan will be able to sustain its terrorism and will become more powerful. This was unacceptable for anti-Pakistan forces. Moreover, the inclination of Pakistan toward Russia-China made America and her allies further worried. The result is in front of us!

                Even the govt. has been sabotaged, America will not spare Pakistan. The only way to face America is through standing united against the imperialist forces as a Pakistani and making it clear to them that Pakistan is a free country that knows to defend its integrity and freedom…



Urdu Copy


Written by Khalid Baig,

Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,

Date: 04 April 2022. 

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