Saturday, July 7, 2012

After Kashmir Singh, Gopaal Daas, Surjeet Singh Who is Next?

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After Confession of Indian Spy; Indian officials closing his mouth with Sweets

“I went to Pakistan as a spy, I was sent by Indian army”, These are the words of Indian terrorist and spy Surjeet Singh during a press conference who suddenly got released from Pakistan by some magical powers. Who is Surjeet Singh? Why he was sentenced to death in Pakistan? Before the execution of his punishment in the name of celebrations of Benazir Bhutto’s regime all sentences of death of the prisoners were converted into life imprisonment. Thus Surjeet Singh was saved from execution as well.  If one may remember at that time many notorious murderers and criminals benefitted from Benazir’s favors avoiding the punishments awarded by law. The protest of heirs of murdered persons was not taken into account by democratic government of that time.

              On the other hand even the Indian officials were also astonished and annoyed because for last two years India was struggling for the release of Surabjeet Singh and the announcement was also made for the release of Surabjeet Singh. Moreover for  more than five hours Pakistani  and Indian media presented talk shows over release of Surabjeet Singh, but suddenly Surabjeet was replaced by Surjeet and a new Indian terrorist and spy appeared over the scene from anonymity.

 During the press conference much more shocking might have been disclosed by Surjeet Singh, the officials of Indian secret agencies along with army personnel made him stand up apparently in light mood but with firm hands and then pushed a piece of sweets in his mouth to silent him. But it was late; Surjeet Singh had disclosed his reality to reveal the real face of Democratic terrorist state of India. Journalists had also understood that press conference has ended so they did not raise any questions. (What about our journalists of AMAN KI ASHA? Have they wasted such an important chance to defame national security agencies and allowed the end of Press Conference in such Premature manners, if anyone had disclosed facts like Surjeet Singh?) This has been the policy of the Indian journalists that they avoid further investigating or propagating such matter which contradicts with Indian Foreign Policy towards Pakistan, moreover in  every incident of terrorism and violations of Indian army, Indian media has always supported their army.

              After such a serious and big disclosure by Indian spy and terrorist, Pakistan should have protested against India over diplomatic level, Indian ambassador should have been called into the Foreign Department and asked to explain that how many Indian terrorists like Surjeet Singh are active in Pakistan playing with the blood of innocent Pakistanis. Pakistani ambassador in New Delhi should have called up a press conference and protested against Indian policies against Pakistan. But nothing such like happened. The journalists speaking Indian language in the name of AMAN KI ASHA have also closed their ears and shut their eyes, but this treacherous behavior supporting Indian state terrorism could not change the bitter reality and facts. Spontaneously such a truth has been revealed that should be enough to disclose the evil face of MOTHER OF DEMOCRACY i.e. India.

Convicted Indian terrorist and spy Gopaal Daas returning to India

              On the other hand those Pakistanis who go to India to visit their relatives over legal visas issued by Indian embassy are illegally imprisoned to face insulting treatment of Hindu officials till they are crippled physically or mentally and wish for death. No one takes steps to procure their basic human rights not even Govt. of Pakistan or Pakistani embassy in India. In contrast to this as soon as Indian terrorists are arrested, confess their crimes and are handed over to jail officials, astonishingly prisons become favorable homes to them. This could be easily realized after watching the videos and pictures of Indian prisoners released from Pakistani prisons, when they arrive at Wahga border it seems they were on picnic to Pakistan.

              From India  not a single Pakistani prisoner has been released who had entered into Pakistan over his own feet but on stretchers or wheelchairs. These people are not sent by Pakistan army for spying but visit India for lower lever trade or to see their relatives. If someone has a link with Pakistan army then first of all he does not return back or turns into “Sipahee Maqbool Hussein” of Pakistan army (Shall discuss this later on). Here one point is not only interesting but serious as well, who are those suspicious elements who become shield for Indian terrorists or spies in Pakistani prisons and arrange their release in magical and para-judicial ways.   

              Look at the example of Dr. Chishti, he went to India to participate in a marriage ceremony of his relatives on the visa granted by Indian govt. Due to being a scientist he was falsely involved in a trial for murder. How India treated such a highly educated and qualified person, no one is unaware from this. How disgracefully he was released in spite of being innocent, what was the behavior of Indian courts and Police over his release? In spite of being released and arriving to Pakistan practically he is still prisoner of India, because being on parole his passport was seized by Indian embassy officials as soon as he entered into Pakistan.  What a disgrace??? Can any Pakistani who claims to be FREE and INDEPENDENT nation feel this or have we accepted slavery of Hindus mentally???

Indian Spy and terrorist released from Pakistan...

              Last year when Indian Supreme Court appealed for the release of Indian Spy Gopaal Daas, some influential elements within Pakistan were willing and struggling that Gopaal Daas arrives India before Pakistani Prime Minister visits Mohali for Cricket Match. Apparently these elements wanted that a gesture should be posed to reduce tension between both nuclear powers. The question is why such elements are present only in Pakistan who force Pakistan to bow in front of India and release even convicted Indian terrorists? Are these terrorists released to reduce tension or these elements are themselves hosting Indian terrorists???


To be Continued…

Written By Khalid Baig,
Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,
Date: 07 July 2012.

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