Sunday, November 27, 2011

Old Pakistani Custom of Dragging Army into Politics and Public Protest on the International Level...!

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In spite of Blackout on international media the crowd of protesters on the roads of New York!

The history of armed dictatorship in the history of Pakistan is very old. The shortcomings of the politicians have been always tried to hide by giving this the name of the ‘Lust’ of the dictators for power. Afterwards after long struggle and protest campaigns as soon as democracy is restored the match for political war is once again arranged.  Corruption, bribery, and nepotism goes to such heights that public starts yelling. Their lives are made difficult, lawlessness spreads in such a way that people are forced to worry about their lives, they once again start protesting. Opposition or those politicians who are out of govt. also start requesting army to interfere ignoring democratic values and this results in negative i.e. army once takes over the govt. on this drums are beaten and in this way a new era of campaign against military dictatorship starts. But no one learns the lesson, neither the politicians who get power leave their dictatorial behavior nor those who are outside of power remember to safeguard rights of public when they get elected.

                However after long dictatorship of Pervaiz Musharaf when democracy was restored under the umbrella of ‘N.R.O’ every Pakistani was hopeful that the era of mutual political rivalries will not return, all the politicians will join their hands to change the concept state and make it according to the very basics of democracy. They will utilize their powers for the development and well-being of the nation and country. Moreover by working for the betterment of public they will try to restore the public trust over the politicians. So that if next time someone tries to derail democracy the public forms the wall between dictator and politicians.
Rome; also in the clutches of economical injustice and capitalism

                But everything happened in contrast to this like ever. That is why all analysts are agreed on this that country has been forced to severe economical and financial problems. The resources of Pakistan for making payments have been depleted to unbelievable limits. The investment is limited and over the lowest historical limit. The upcoming two years will be extremely harsh for Pakistan due to deficits, because the speed of economical development has decreased to 2.9% or has been forced to decrease. The deficit budget has increased to 6.5% of GDP. This is why govt. is forced to print new currency and get loans from local banks. All this is resulting in rising prices. That is why public is now demanding change but now they are not looking only towards ‘establishment’ but towards ‘judiciary’ that perhaps someone steps forward to save them. On such grave situation politicians should have joined hands to solve these problems, but like ever they have started blaming agencies and army that they are interfering in the politics. No one is ready to consider the actual problems and solve them. If we look at the govt., this seems that country is in the clutches of bankrupts, influential lords, smugglers, corrupt bureaucracy, specific mafia of builders and property dealers and black marketers. They are exploiting 95% of Pakistani public in the form of Elites. Their lust and greed for money has now formed the shape of insult of national institutions and political and ideological clash.
Advocate Elizabeth; hit by a rubber bullet. Thousands of peaceful innocents have been hit by these bullets fired by Police.

                Is this only in Pakistan that privileged elites are busy in looting the public resources? Many analysts are of the view that these elites only make 5% of the total population of Pakistan. They are controlling resources of 95% people of Pakistan. But now it seems that in the whole world public is protesting against such like problems. The control of few people over resources of majority that is known as ‘Banking & Corporate Greed’ in Europe, has become a universal problem. People are protesting against profit taking investors and are claiming that ‘Capitalism’ (which has born out of democracy) is enemy of 99% of population. Everywhere public representatives in the parliaments are being termed as ‘cheaters’. They deceived the public to fill up the coffers of investors who are already playing in billions. The rights and resources of 99% public has been sold to multinationals and their owners who are blind in the greed of wealth (majority of them consists of Jews).

                Few months ago it was hard to imagine that in the USA and Europe, people will start protesting like public of third world countries, they will take to the roads and will be forced to protest against their own selected representatives and will term them as guards of 1% elites. These civilized people will occupy roads and demand their basic rights? On 17th September 2011 when 700 unemployed men protested on the building of Stock Exchange, situated in Wall Street, no one gave them any importance, even the so called flag bearer of human rights and democratic values, Western Media boycotted their protest. Until then these people were demanding their President Obama, that he should end influence of investors and corporations involved in ‘War Industry’ within American Congress and American politicians. 99% of American public should be given their rights, unemployment should be brought to an end and they should be given their basic right to live. But like third world countries American govt. tried to control protestors through heinous torture by police to suppress the voices of innocents. Dozens of men and women were put into jails.

                The news of state torture over peaceful protestors was neither published by any state media nor by international electronic media. However the news and pictures about the protest over Wall Street and state violence were shown and read not only by West but whole world via internet and Twitter. In this way thousands of people took to the roads to express their solidarity with the victims of police torture. They were holding the banners of ‘Occupy Wall Street’, here this should be kept in mind that protestors has use ‘Occupy Wall Street’ as a slogan on facebook and Internet. This slogan spread like the wild fire and protest spread to 951 cities of 82 countries. Like New York everywhere protestors were severely tortured to disperse them thus providing fresh fuel to the movement and this feeling is now wide spread that in the name of ‘Democracy’ such politicians has been imposed on the public who are busy in sucking the blood of public. Moreover they are also busy in filling the coffers of militant investors who provide them financial support during election campaigns. In this way within few days the protesting movement spread to all those big countries like USA, Britain, Italy, Japan, France, New Zealand, Germany, Greek, Spain, Australia including all those who were with USA to attack Iraq or Afghanistan. During the portests many such banners are visible condemning USA and Britain for illegal control of economies of those countries attacked by USA. In this way on the international in spite of forced ‘Black out’ not only protest is going but violence has also been involved. The fresh example of this is severe torture of state police over students of Davis University of California. On the internet such messages are being sent that the process of change has started on the international level, caretaker politicians of capitalism will not be able to suppress 99% public. Through the internet this news has been broke that by attacking Libya on Britain has gained more 200 Billions. After such like reports, the President Hugo Chavez of most rich country of Latin America i.e. ‘Venezuela’ has declared, he will transfer state assets to China or Russia. Because after the situation of Iraq and Libya he is afraid that USA, Britain along with other European countries might attack Venezuela to loot its resources to support their sinking banks and capitalist structure.
Being arrested for protesting against Imperialism

                In the other words the concerns of Hugo Chavez are of grieve importance and an open expression of distrust over UNO. If this is not taken seriously now then extremist politicians in the American legislature and White, and terrorist Generals of White House will continue their process of looting Oil rich countries. If one wishes to understand the movement against Capitalism than this message over facebook is a struggle to summarize the movement by “Tracey Ann Schilling”:
                “The wealth that “1%” richest of the US, with or without the assistance of any portion of the “99%” of the US population stole from and lands outside of US borders, should be returned to the people and lands that was stolen from. The stolen wealth should be used to meet the needs of the people, including cleaning up the waste and repairing the damage of the environments and of the lands that the US ‘1%’ and their agents from the US ‘99%’ stole the wealth from, the wealth that was stolen through overt and covert imperialist wars and neo-liberal ‘Trade Policies’ or in other words through Global Capitalism”.

                The use of internet, youtube, facebook and twitter by protest movement has made US govt. restless. However in order to snatch the public right of ‘freedom of speech’ the amendment in “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA) has been prepared and will be presented soon on Congress. Soon the public will be deprived of their basic right of free usage of internet. But will this help to restore peace in the world or the dying capitalism will revive? This question will be answered by the upcoming time. However the hatred in the international community against capitalism and in order to minimize it Jewish investors will have to amend their favorite ‘protocols’ to fulfill their plan for international conspiracy. These were prepared by Jewish leaders secretly in 1897. They were first published in 1902 by a Russian newspaper. Afterwards Russian clergyman “Professor M. A. Nylus” published them in the form of a book. Astonishing fact is that Christians who took these Jewish protocols as a conspiracy against Christianity are now working for Jews to capture the whole world.

                Whether it is Pakistan or rest of the world the poor condition of public is a bitter reality. So this should be accepted that world could no longer live according to the Jewish protocols. Whole world is in the clutches of recession from last two years. People are raising questions that why increasing prices have no effect over elites who are in minority. Why their assets are increasing rapidly? Elites neither have answers to these questions nor they are willing to answer. So what will happen, will 99% public be tortured in the hands of police like that? If people will be spared by the bullets of police they will they die due to unemployment? Is not this the time to start discussion on the international level and USA and its allies should be forced that they should stop converting the world into hell just for the benefit Jews involved in the business of war industry. They have the right to keep army for defense but not to destroy humanity for benefits of their war industrialists like they did in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. They will have to learn with peace and give others their right to live. As they claim the advantages of democracy but no where these advantages have yet been observed or the rights of the public has been safeguarded which democracy boosts. As this system of democracy is by people for people in the same way public has also right to their resources. In order to steal these resources first of all international Imperialism imposes their enslaved politicians and than through them the resources of these countries are transferred to coffers of imperialists. When people get tired of occupiers of govt. they always have some other options. But now this has gone to limits, from international media to all big businesses, multinational companies and their Jewish owners have converted the whole world into hell for its inhabitants just to fulfill their dreams control of the whole world and lust. In order to tackle this situation and Jewish conspiracy it is necessary that on every level
Should be taught and seminars should be held. In this way Pakistan which has been forced into terrorism, internal dispersion and financial destruction because of its geographical importance, now this is the duty of our politicians that they forget their ego, self interests and gather on a table and in spite of blaming national institutions they should make a comprehensive plan to solve all the problems. But is our elite, our leadership, our politicians ready to give up their ego and identity for the integrity of Pakistan? If not! Than wait for the demolition of the building raised on the base of international imperialism and capitalism, and God knows how many will be affected by this…
Americans protesting against bombings in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Here I would like to quote an article written by Maher Osseiran as follows:
Enough is Enough

 Maher Osseiran. September 9, 2011 

 People around the world are wondering when the suffering in the name of 9/11 will end; if we don’t stand up to the criminals the answer is never. people in the millions, directly and indirectly, are victims of 9/11. The many are paying dearly for the crimes of the very few. The reader might wonder if things could get worse – The answer is yes. It gets worse when you learn the truth; the few who have committed the serious crimes are not bin Laden and his followers. The crimes are much bigger than anything bin Laden actually committed. The few who have committed those crimes are living worry free and come from within the Bush administration and those within the Obama administration who are capitalizing on the crimes. If we do not prosecute those criminals, the suffering will never end. The lie we were told after 9/11 is that Osama bin Laden is responsible for the attacks in New York. Ed Haas’ work and mine prove otherwise. Our work, combined, shows that “Bin Laden is a patsy who was aided and abetted at every turn during the execution of the attacks by components in the Bush administration. If law enforcement were allowed to do their work, Bin Laden’s complicity would have been limited to conspiring and planning the attacks and thousands in Manhattan, Afghanistan, and Iraq, would have been alive today.” The above is an excerpt from an article Ed Haas and I co-wrote in the summer of 2007. By that time Ed Haas’ Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests were not all answered by the various branches of the US Government; Central Command’s (CENTCOM’s) response was still missing. His requests relate to the only evidence the US government had provided showing bin Laden’s guilt. I will shortly list all the responses chronologically but first will give you what prompted this barrage of FOIA requests, whose responses show how over time the US government tried its best to distance itself from the evidence that they themselves provided. In June 2006, Ed Haas wrote an article “FBI says, it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”. Ed was wondering why the FBI had not indicted bin Laden for the 9/11 attacks so he contacted Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said: The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” Surprised by the ease in which this FBI spokesman made such an astonishing statement, I asked, “How this was possible?” Tomb continued, “Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to 9/11.” I asked, “How does that work?” Tomb continued, “The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, Bin Laden has been formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.” You must all find this incredible; after all, a war in Afghanistan that has killed thousands, which expanded into Pakistan and continues to kill to this date, was based on bin Laden being responsible. Also, many in the “Truth Movement” and people around the world who had suspicions of the United States and its policies used this FBI statement of “no hard evidence” to support their own convictions, albeit for various reasons, that the United States itself was behind the attacks. The truth was somewhere in between. As soon as I became aware of Ed Haas’ work, I contacted him; it was August 2006. I shared with him my work that was published a few weeks earlier on titled “Osama’s Confession; Osama’s Reprieve” and my opinion as to why bin Laden was not indicted for 9/11 even though the American government had presented the world with that tape in which bin Laden clearly showed prior knowledge of the attacks as evidence of his guilt. I explained, the tape could not be submitted to a federal grand jury without providing both, chain of custody and authentication. Also, if authenticated, the authentication itself would corroborate my findings and show the complicity of the American government in the attacks. On the issue of authentication, It is a fact that, to this day, the videotape released by the Pentagon on December 13, 2001, of bin Laden “confessing”, has not been authenticated by the US government or any other government, media outlet, or institution capable of performing the work; the closest thing to an authentication is “Osama’s Confession; Osama’s Reprieve”. Also, in August of 2006, responses to Ed’s FOIA requests started trickling in. Ed, an ex-military who understood its bureaucracy and record keeping, launched in reaction to Rex Tomb’s disclosures, a barrage of FOIA requests that correctly focused on chain of custody and authentication. The following are the responses in chronological order: 1. August 2006, the FBI’s response: “The material you requested is located in an investigative file which is exempt from disclosure pursuant to Title 5, United States Code, Section 552, Subsection (b)(7)(A). Ed Haas appealed the FBI’s decision and I reminded him that the investigation had started almost five years earlier and should have been completed by now. For the record, to this day, the FBI has not released any results of the investigation, interim or otherwise and no material relating to authentication that Ed Haas had requested. Ed Haas won the appeal and a few months later the FBI sent a letter saying that it could not find any records responsive to his request. 2. September 2006, the DoD/Pentagon's response: “The office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs conducted a search of its files and located no record responsive to your request. Responsive records, to the extent they exist, mostly likely would be found at the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) and I suggest that you submit a FOIA request to that command at…” This is the most bizarre response. If we give the Pentagon the benefit of the doubt, chain of custody or portions of the chain might reside at CENTCOM but any authentication work prior to the release must reside with the Pentagon; the Pentagon would not even release information relating to the hiring of the two translators, George Michael and Dr. Kassem M. Wahba, which Ed Haas specifically requested in his FOIA. 3. June 2007, the CIA’s response: ”In accordance with section 3.6(a) of Executive Order 12958, as amended, the CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to your request. The fact of the existence or nonexistence of requested records is properly classified and is intelligence sources and methods information that is protected from disclosure by section 6 of the CIA Act of 1949, as amended. Therefore, the Agency has denied your request pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(1) and (b)(3). “ Based on the types of exemptions the CIA took, Ed Haas correctly interpreted the response as confirmation of what Ed Vulliamy and Jason Burke reported in The Observer of London, three days after the bin Laden confession tape was release by the Pentagon, “although absolutely genuine, is the result of a sophisticated sting operation run by the CIA through a second intelligence service, possibly Saudi or Pakistani”, and my extensive analysis of the bin Laden “confession” tape had reached the CIA sting operation conclusion and, without speculation, that the other intelligence service was clearly Saudi. 4. December 2009, CENTCOM responds two years after receiving Ed’s request: “Pursuant to procedures established in 5 U.S.C. 552, Freedom of Information Act and DOD 5400.7-R, Department of Defense FOIA Program, our search included all existing records in USCENTCOM. Despite our extensive search for documents pertaining to your request, we were unable to locate responsive documents.” – Please note the use of the word extensive and ask yourself, if CENTCOM, the command responsible for the Afghan theater of operations did not have any chain of custody records, how did the bin Laden “confession” video come to be. From these responses, the US government would like us to believe that the tape’s existence was due to a divine miracle; a tape materializing out of thin air. There is only one plausible conclusion; the video tape was the result of a sting operation run by the CIA. Also, as I show in “Osama’s Confession; Osama’s Reprieve”, every statement, supposedly statements of facts regarding the tape, issued by the Pentagon or uttered by its officials was proven wrong; 100% of everything they said was wrong, which led me to say, if 10% was wrong, it would be an honest mistake, if 40% was wrong, it would be serious incompetence, but when 100% is wrong, it is simply intentional and a whole bunch of lies. The following is the correct timeline of how the tape was produced. On September 21, 2001, a sting operation targeting bin Laden was launched from Saudi Arabia. The main character in the sting operation was a Saudi Intelligence operative named Sheikh Kalid Al-Harbi. The sting operation had two parts, the first part, conceived after 9/11, was to tape bin Laden confessing, the second part, which was the original goal of the sting prior to 9/11, and possibly as far back as the Clinton administration, was to capture bin Laden or kill him. The first part was conducted successfully around September 26, 2001, and we all have seen bin Laden at a dinner gathering practically, if not legally, confessing to the 9/11 attacks. For the second part, the capture or kill, one of Al-Harbi’s companions was left behind in order to alert American Special Forces to bin Laden’s return to the village. Al-Harbi, had left Saudi Arabia on September 21 with at least two companions to Afghanistan by way of Iran; as determined from the translation of the confession tape. A side bar here, the Iranian government who issued Al-Harbi and his two companions their travel visas have a lot of hard information about him and can get access to even more. While doing my investigative work into the video tape, I contacted the Iranian authorities through their UN ambassador. The email dated 12/22/2005 had a series of about twenty very specific questions relating to material the Iranian authority possessed and suggestions as to where relevant material that they have access to can be found. One of the specific questions that the Iranians could have answered was the date the visas were issued It is also likely that all those individuals received their visas at the same time from the embassy or consulate in Saudi; unless the visas were forged. If they received their visas prior to 9/11, that would also give the article I am writing a different dimension. The response from Iran’s UN Ambassador, Javad Zarif, was boilerplate; “I applaud your endeavors to investigate and report true and unbiased stories…I am not optimistic that I will get any answers.” I was not that optimistic either but had to try. The Iranian government did not respond because it did not want to reveal that it was co-operating with Saudi Intelligence against Al-Qaida and in this specific case indirectly co-operating with American Intelligence. This co-operation with Saudi intelligence continued when they allowed Sheikh Al-Harbi to surrender, as part of an Al-Qaida amnesty program, on July 13, 2004, at the Saudi Embassy in Iran in order to conceal his real whereabouts after the taping; more on that later. Now back to the timeline. Following the taping around September 26, 2001, Al-Harbi left Afghanistan with one companion and made the tape available to his handlers; American intelligence. The other companion was left behind in order to execute the second part of the sting, the capture or kill. In early October 2001, three things happened that are worth noting: 1. Pakistan's foreign ministry spokesman, Mohammed Riaz Khan, said: "There is sufficient grounds for indictment in terms of the material we have seen and we have studied."…” He added: "This material certainly provides a sufficient basis for an indictment in a court of law." Full article at the following Guardian location 2. NATO declared article 5 – “Frank Taylor, the US Ambassador at Large and Co-ordinator for Counter-terrorism briefed the North Atlantic Council - NATO's top decision-making body- on 2 October on the results of investigations into the 11 September terrorist attacks against the United States. As a result of the information he provided to the Council, it has been clearly determined that the individuals who carried out the attacks belonged to the world-wide terrorist network of Al-Qaida, headed by Osama bin Laden and protected by the Taleban regime in Afghanistan.” 3. Statements by Tony Blair – If we combine Tony Blair’s statement to the BBC on September 30, 2001, and, to Parliament on October 4, 2001, we get the following “he [Blair] has been shown strong evidence linking Bin Laden to the attacks… the evidence from intelligence services was "powerful and incontrovertible”… the evidence we have is intelligence and highly sensitive. It is not possible without compromising people or security to release precise details” All of these three incidents indicate that there was strong evidence that bin Laden was guilty and, even though the “confession video” was not released by the Pentagon until December 13, 2001, it was clearly available through intelligence to the parties above. Also, the parties above were crucial partners of the US for conducting war and invading Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the Taliban were offering bin Laden in exchange for conclusive evidence of his guilt in order to avoid war. Not supplying such evidence to the Taliban in exchange for bin Laden in order to avert war is a clear violation of the UN Charter and The Geneva Convention thereby rendering the war criminal; but there is more proof of criminality below. The US had the option of supplying the evidence to the Taliban, keep preparing for war, and go to war with the least amount of delay if the Taliban did not produce bin Laden; America’s intentions were clearly war. It is important to put pressure on those who were in the Musharaf regime and those in his Foreign Ministry, such as Mr. Khan, who were privy to the evidence and force them to come clean. The sophistication of the sting operation indicate that it was designed at least three to six months prior to 9/11 which is a clear indicator of prior knowledge by the US government and would explain the inaction of the CIA and the FBI even when they received actionable intelligence about the highjackers prior to 9/11 that would have stopped the attacks. Also, if the sting operation was designed to kill or capture as its primary objective, and the United States opted for the taping only in order to provide evidence that deceived NATO and others into supporting its war, it makes it imperative that the democracies that constitute NATO ask that the evidence behind the declaration of Article 5, be released. November 2, 2001. The Saudi intelligence operative left behind in that village alerts US intelligence that bin Laden is back to visit his family. Two Black Hawk helicopters, most likely belonging to the Navy Seals Team 6, lift off from the USS Roosevelt on the mission to capture or kill bin Laden. The weather over that area of Afghanistan was sleet and freezing rain, the time was close to midnight. Based on the weather and the darkness, the flight by itself was a suicide mission. Upon arrival to the outskirts of that village, a prototype Predator drone operated by the CIA was in the same air space as those helicopters. The drone and one of the helicopters collide. William F. and David S. (last name withheld in order to comply with American law) of the CIA confirmed that the Predator drone collided with the helicopter; they also stated that the collision was intentional in order to sabotage the mission. Since William and David refused to answer specific questions, I reported the collision as a fact that I independently reached instead of using their version that I could not confirm. Later I learned that these two CIA guys were given the task of derailing my investigation and preventing the publication of the results in any mainstream publication; my mistrust was in the right place. Intentional or not, the mission was sabotaged, the Pentagon told us that the helicopters were on a mission to retrieve an ill or injured soldier and that it crashed due to bad weather. The second helicopter rescued the crew while the F-14 that had left the same carrier in support of the mission bombed the crashed helicopter in order to destroy any sensitive material. The name of one soldier on the crashed helicopter is known, Staff Sergeant Pabela, most likely a native of Guam. I don’t know if we can believe the Pentagon when it claimed that there were no injuries. If there were, S. Sgt Pabela would be the first known casualty in the hunt for bin Laden and the first casualty from a Predator drone attack or accident. November 3 and 4, 2001. Bin Laden’s kids videotaped by Al-Jazeera playing with the wreckage of the downed helicopter. Also on those dates, extensive taping by Mokhtar, the person trusted by bin Laden to look after his kids while away. Mukhtar taped the kids climbing the hill near the village to view the wreckage at the crash site. There is also video taping of bin Laden’s son Hamza indoors handling smaller wreckage pieces including Predator landing gear. The indoor taping included close-ups of equipment tags which helped identify the aircrafts they came from. November 8 or 9, 2001. The village is overrun, the Saudi intelligence operative is collected by American special forces or intelligence. Video material the operative managed to record was collected so was video material from the bin Ladin family residence. These two video sources will later be used in an attempt to camouflage the covert tape of September 26, 2001. November 14, 2001. The event indicates that Tony Blair was almost obsessed in providing video evidence of bin-Laden confessing. Without Al-Jazeera’s knowledge or consent, Tony Blair obtained a taping of an interview Al-Jazeera conducted with bin Laden. Due to bin Laden not fulfilling the interview agreement with Al-Jazeera, intimidating their interviewer and technicians, and putting conditions on Al-Jazeera that would have removed any journalistic value, Al-Jazeera decided not to air it. An early release of a Snippet from the tape by David Bamber of the Sunday Telegraph of London alerted Al-Jazeera that it was their tape and quickly moved to have Tony Blair return it, most likely threatening legal action. On November 14, The Washington Post reports how Blair introduce the tape evidence in Parliament, “The British government did not release the video or a full transcript, saying it does not have a copy of the video but has information about it from intelligence sources.” And basically whatever Blair shared with the British Parliament was hearsay. The British mainstream media did not mount any serious challenge to the video committing a disappearing act and never challenged the value of what Blair presented. Still, taking such a tremendous risk by obtaining an unauthorized copy can only be justified if NATO members were promised video evidence and all they got prior to declaring Article 5 were assurances that such evidence existed and that it would be provided. Again, it is imperative that the democracies of Europe begin questioning NATO’s role as America’s backdoor that bypasses their democratic processes and the backdoor to the rapid EU expansion eastward, diluting the Euro, and diluting European independence as newer countries were indebted to the United States for both their NATO and EU memberships. December 13, 2001. The Pentagon releases the bin Laden “confession tape”. The tape is an out of sequence collage from three sources, the covert taping of bin Laden visiting with Al-Harbi, tapings by Saudi intelligence operative left behind by Al-Harbi, and home videotapes from the bin Laden family residence. This “confession tape” is by far the worst attempt to conceal that the taping of bin Laden was the result of sting operation. The material that was added, especially from the bin Laden family home videotapes, had so much information that made it fairly easy to produce the timeline I presented and uncover US criminality. December 14, 2001. Attorney Thomas Henry, on behalf of Leo Wanta, sends a report by fax to vice president Dick Cheney using two different fax numbers, which indicate that the material in the report was important. The report places Khalid Al-Harbi, the visitor in the bin Laden “confession tape” at the Midtown Hotel Metro Manila, Philippines, on October 15, 2001, in the presence of Brad Lee representative of the “company”, i.e. CIA, and, SAC Robert Wachtel, i.e. FBI. The report goes on to say that Al-Harbi was observed over a period of time and on several occasions and that he was about to invite those observing him to visit him at his residence; all important elements for a positive identification even though he was using an alias. The fact that Al-Harbi was in the presence of two agents of the American government is another confirmation that the “confession video” was the result of a sting operation. July 13, 2004. Al-Harbi surrenders at the Saudi embassy in Iran. His surrender in Iran was designed to conceal the fact that his hideout was the Philippines. Iran was still co-operating with Saudi intelligence and by now knowingly co-operating with its nemesis; American intelligence. From the timeline above, there is plenty or criminality to go around; Iran, Saudi Arabia, the highest echelons of NATO, the Musharraf regime, and on top are the Bush and Obama administrations. The crimes committed worldwide are innumerable and should be considered high crimes against humanity. The crimes that are punishable by US law are the following: 
 1. Murder – for each soldier and civilian killed as a result of the war on terror. 
 2. Dereliction of duty – for not capturing bin Laden when they had the best chance; the night he was taped confessing. 
 3. Treason – By declassifying the tape, a by-product of a failed and highly sensitive intelligence operation, to justify an illegal policy of aggression to the detriment of America’s own national security, the Bush administration committed high treason. 
 4. Aiding and Abetting a Criminal – When Bin Laden eventually saw himself on TV confessing he realized that the taping was done by a covert camera and realized how close intelligence were to capturing him; Bin Laden would never let anyone that close again. Again, it is imperative that an independent body authenticate the bin Laden “confession tape” in a transparent manner. If crimes are committed, perpetrators should be prosecuted and punished. If you are reading this material for the first time, I assure you it is not new. It is only combining my work and that of Ed Haas in order to give you a complete narrative. The material was shared directly with the highest levels of law enforcement in the United States. I even managed to have Dr. James Zogby, founder and president of the Arab American Institute, present the material to John Conyers who was at the time the head of the Judiciary Committee in a Democratic controlled congress. The following is the response I received from Dr. Zogby: “I read your work. I have every confidence that John Conyers is apprised of the situation and will proceed with investigations accordingly.” That was back in February of 2007, more than 4 years ago. The crime I uncovered is far bigger than Watergate and no one within the US government is willing to investigate and prosecute. This led me to say in a recent interview with the Corbett Report that “the American government is a criminal enterprise”. It is unfortunate but true. Many people have died as a consequence of this synthetic war on terror; no one should have died. Many people such as Muslims in the west have been treated as third class citizens; they have been persecuted, entrapped, and prosecuted. New laws, supposedly put in place after 9/11 in order to protect democracies, are being used to prosecute in an attempt to silence those who are trying to expose the truth. Governments other than the US started claiming their own war on terror and people with legitimate grievances were labeled terrorists by the governments who deny them their rights; Chechnya and Uyghurs in China come to mind. 

 Enough is enough.

Note: It is not necessary that quoted article confirms or shows the views the author of this blog!

Written By Khalid Baig,
Published in Daily Naw-i-Waqt,
Date: 26 November, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

India Most Favorite Nation for Pakistan and Mass Graves in Indian Held Kashmir

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Indian Held Kashmir; where innocent people are murdered and later on their dead bodies are transferred to Mass Graves

India who has not accepted independence of Pakistan by hear in last half century has been given the status of most favorite nation. In order to provide basis for their heinous act our govt. is telling us that this is the first step to fulfill the dreams of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan. What a disgusting argument? In contrast to this if our govt. had said that this is the first step to fulfill the dream of Benazir Bhutto, this would have not only calmed her soul but contented elite class of Pakistan weighing less than 1% of our population. Because Benazir wanted more than that, she wanted to return Pakistan back to the slavery of Hindu, she wanted to have a common currency and to work under President of India, her urge was so much strong that she could not apprehend herself from expressing her vision in front of media.

                Than why we are accusing founders of Pakistan, for our own national crimes of pledging our markets to India? We are blaming those noble personalities who sacrificed their lives to get freedom for Muslims of India from extremist Hindus? This is another aspect that we lost our freedom to the elite class who earned wealth by bowing in front of English as their servants before partition and afterwards captured Pakistan as their agents in the name of public govt. other wise The Great Leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah had said in the clear words, “we neither trust English nor Hindus, we will keep struggling against both even if they unite”. Vision of Quaid was much clear about India, he not only condemned Indian claim over Kashmir but he took Indian claim as most powerful and biggest economy as insult. He gave central importance to Kashmir, why he said that Kashmir is Vein of Pakistan; this can be now realized after half century when India is in a position to create draught in Pakistan by stopping water of rivers passing through Kashmir. If still anyone has doubts about vision of Quaid he should consult the interview of Jinnah to a journalist of Switzerland on 11 March 1948, he said, “if India gets out of its superiority complex, takes Pakistan as equal and neighbor country and considers all the ground realities as they are to solve the disputes than friendly relations with India are possible”.
Ata'a Muhammad; pointing out those areas where Indian state terrorists had buried thousands of corpses

                Has India lost its superiority complex or all the basic disputes including Kashmir have been solved that we have bestowed India with Most Favorite Nation?  Painful situation is that India has gone beyond its claim over Kashmir, it has completed Pakistan to convert our lands into barren lands, has created a network over international level with the help of Jewish media and started an unending propaganda war against Pakistan. Most recent example is the documentary “Secret Pakistan” being telecasted over BBC with the title of “Backlash Week” as a weekly series. The central point of this documentary is that Pakistan army and ISI created Taliban against. This is the biggest lie of the century. Along with bewtowing us with the lollipop of the Indian friendship in SAARC conference, Man Mohan Singh said that till Pakistan does not satisfy India about Mumbai attacks till than peace process could not complete. He conditioned his visit to Pakistan with effective crackdown against terrorists (this is a golden chance for Pakistan to conduct surgical strikes over terrorist camps in India, as her leader wants that). While our Hindu-Jewish media of Pakistan was telling us, that Man Mohan Singh has accepted invitation to visit Pakistan. But shame is over those of our Great Intellectuals who are preaching Pakistani nation that not only Kashmir dispute but all other disputes with India should be ignored just for friendship with her. These bastards are always worried to fulfill their duty for which they are paid by India and Jews; however, their hands cannot dare to write anything about mass graves in Indian Held Kashmir.

                Here I would like to briefly state the story of mass graves in Indian Held Kashmir which is not only heart crushing but also a blow to our shameless intellectuals who are not only supporting friendly relations with murderer of humanity i.e. India; but also shamelessly providing fake arguments. Mass Graves in Indian Held Kashmir were discovered when  a 70 year old grave digger, “Ata’a Muhammad” told guests from Delhi on 1 July 2009 that he has helped Indian soldiers to bury hundreds of corpses. These guests included representatives of IPTHR and two journalists. Ata’a Muhammad told them that he has buried about 235 corpses and huge number of other persons like him had been helping Indian army. He took journalists and human rights activists on the spot where these corpses were buried. Organization for human rights “International Peoples Tribunal for Human Rights” started the digging of the graves and dug up many human skeletons within three months. On 7th October, 2009 Indian Convener for IPTHR, “Angna Chatarjee” disclosed in a press conference that her organization has dug up more than twenty sic hundred corpses in last few weeks. Although India succeeded in suppressing this news which was very heart crushing but it was impossible for India to stop internet from publishing the reality. This forced India to establish an investigation commission. This commission took forward the discovery of mass graves in the jungles of Kashmir along with representatives of IPTHR. Possibly commission might have not investigated further but on the pressure of Human Rights Organizations in August 2011, in which it was stated that Indian govt. had buried 2730 corpses in the mass graves. These people were terrorists. However 574 were identified as citizens of Indian Held Kashmir while rest were terrorists from Pakistan. It was also stated in the report that no one was ready to receive dead bodies so they were buried in mass graves.

                This report was rejected by IPTHR as fraudulent. In a press conference the organization revealed that massacre, burial in mass graves has been going since 1997, and the numbers of corpses buried in such mass graves are more than fifty thousand. They further disclosed that since September 2009 to August 2011 they have discovered more than 2000 mass graves in Indian Held Kashmir. But the organization does not have the resources to dig up the human remains and preserve them. Representatives of organization also condemned criminal negligence of international media and Western countries over massacre of Kashmiri people in Indian Held Kashmir. Angna Chattarjee is of the view that at this time the biggest problem is to conduct the DNA tests over these human remains, so that the corpses can be identified and handed over to their families who have been buried in sorrow alive waiting for their loved ones. She also revealed that examination of these dug up skeletons and corpses shows that they were shot dead in the head from zero distance.

                Such heinous discovery of mass graves in Indian Held Kashmir should have jolted the so-called civilized world, because there is no such example in the world of such genocide. In the Palestine, Palestinians are denied of all basic rights to live but even in Israel no such graves have been discovered (or human rights organizations does not have any access).  Here one point is very important that thousands of organizations over the globe are active for support of Palestinians. One can find hundreds of pictures, articles, news reports on internet websites about human rights violations and in support of Palestine. People from all over the globe are supporting freedom of Palestine. Most of the people come from USA. Alas! No such support for the protection of innocent Kashmiri people is observed anywhere. They have along history for struggle and sacrifices of freedom but biased media is not ready to give any coverage to these people. Because this media and their countries have interests in economy of India.

                Amnesty International declared discovery of such a huge number of mass graves as moral defeat of India. Indian citizen living in USA and working as higher official of Amnesty International for South Asia, protested against Indian war crimes in Indian Held Kashmir, “as India has succeeded in securing a special position on the international level so there are no hopes that international community will be able to pressurize India to stop state terrorism in Indian Held Kashmir. But this does not mean that we should also keep silent. This is the duty of all of the Human Rights Organizations to educate their people about state terrorism in Held Kashmir so that international community takes steps to hold an international investigation in mass graves”. He further said that Indian response to such discoveries of mass graves is inhuman and much disgusting. The reason behind this is criminal silence of international powers which has encouraged Indian state terrorists involved in genocide of Kashmiri people.
Angna Chattarjee

                All these things at its place, but here the problem is of the completion of Pakistan which is conditioned with the freedom of Kashmir. Alas! Our corrupt leaders had sense to understand the feelings of Kashmiri people living in Indian Held Kashmir, even these innocents have been forced to say, “Forget about us, we were fighting our war for freedom alone and will continue to do that, you just try to take care of freedom of Pakistan”. This is reality; when we listen to the shameless arguments in talk shows in the favor of India, they have just one message to encourage India for more state terrorism and human rights violations in hidden words. They are just beating the same triumphant that friendly relations with India will result in improved trade with India, and this will have positive effect over Pakistani economy. But the ground realities are different from this. All the benefit of this trade is in favor of India. For example look at the data of trade from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011, in this time period of one year 31897 trucks carrying Indian goods of 20 billion entered into Pakistan, while in contrast to this only 4664 trucks were allowed to enter into India carrying Pakistani goods. This is an example of the trade which took place in between India and Pakistan in official papers, how much goods were smuggled into Pakistan in the name of Afghanistan or through other means this is exception to this data. Here in Pakistan we do not have Natural Gas, no electricity, fuel is so much costly, our agriculture has been deprived of water by India, here we buy a bag fertilizer for 1800 while in India it s only for 400, so in such grave situation how our economy will be able to compete Indian goods?

                The crime of declaring India as most favorite nation aside (this will obviously benefit Indian agents in Pakistan as they are receiving more than 15 billion annually for resistance against Kala Bagh Dam), we are also committing the crime for paving way for India towards constant membership in General Assembly. This will not only hurt the integrity of Pakistan but of the other small countries in the areas like Sri Lanka, Nepal Maldives etc. the life of minorities in India will be turned to further worst and Held Kashmir will be filled up with the unidentified mass graves…
Mass Graves in South Dakota, USA.

In the end, I would like to share that from where the history of mass graves started; on 29 September 1890, thousands of Red Indians were murdered and buried into mass graves in South Dakota, USA.

Written By Khalid Baig,
Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,
Date: 19 November, 2011.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pakistan’s Mother in Law Hilary and Worldly Bestowing of Qarzai on Pakistan

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Hilary Clinton after being called as MOTHER IN LAW of Pakistan

If we talk about Pakistani politics or municipal politicians of Pakistan that our respected leaders had no rules in politics, they change not only their statements but loyalties as well. But if we talk about world’s most powerful country, most developed nation of modern era and so-called “God Father” of the whole world 'USA' and its leadership, changing their statements or giving explanations after giving a statement. After watching all this we come to know that modern and most civilized leaders of USA are not only morally shallow like our politicians but also worst than them. They damn care about diplomatic values or moral values except their vicious interests. The people living in Muslim countries are just like as worms for them, if these people are crushed it does not matter, as there is no one cry over them or protest against their massacre.

                Lo! They are announcing withdrawal from Iraq in such a manner as they were busy in cultivating flowers there for last eight years, after destroying the poor country and now they are going away saying, “take care of your own fields, we can no more lend you helping hand”. As Muammar Gaddafi denied to support falling western economy and provide investment to bankrupt American banks so he was humiliated and murdered. Otherwise you may ask those who are aware of Libyan govt., was not fuel free there, was electricity not supplied free? Every newly married couple was provided with a house or 50,000 Dirhams, there were many universities equipped with modern laboratories manufacturing scientists majority in the field of nuclear technology. If after all this if it was necessary to assassinate Gaddafi, why Americans had not used Drones to murder him or his family? But the question is, had these so-called leaders of world had such moral courage? They staged drama of restriction through their maid UNO in order to fulfill their lust for blood and revenge. Afterwards the assets of not only Gaddafi but whole Libya were freeze. After declaring whole Libya as “No fly zone”, Libyan cities were destroyed by fighter jets of NATO and Libyan educational institutions were their special targets. Trained terrorists from contractors providing soldiers on rent like “Black Water” were sent into Libya with latest weapons.
The Picture of Hilary printed in an Aerican Magazine after she was termed as MOTHER IN LAW of Pakistan

                In short Libya was bombarded for 8 months just to kill Gaddafi. More than sixty thousand Libyans were massacred, thousands women kidnapped who have not been traced yet (prostitution, human trafficking and sex slavery is one of the favorite businesses of Jews). When Gaddafi was arrested alive he was tortured and afterwards killed by being shot in head at zero range. It was preplanned to capture this terrorist act and show this to the whole world through western media so that world could know that what will be the end of those who dare to reject demands of USA (United Satanic Alliance). Otherwise in these eight months (which were not less than dooms day for innocent Libyans) western did not dare to show up a single footage of devastation of Libyan cities. So called civilized nations of West are so much morally shallow that terrorist declared organization UNO i.e. “Libyan Islamic Movement” formally known as “Libyan Islamic Fighting Group” or in Libya known as “Al-Jama’a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya” was not only removed from the banned list but its militants were utilized against Gaddafi. Gaddafi repeatedly said that USA is using Al-Qaeda to capture Libya but his voice was buried under propaganda of Jewish media. Gaddafi has been murdered, however Libya is still burning in Civil war, than UNO will send peacekeepers and West will loot all the resources of Libya.
Hamid Qarzai

                USA has recently struggled to use Pakistan for its illegal control of Afghanistan while American imperialism have bowed in front of India in spite of the fact that India has no link with Afghanistan. When Pakistan rejected American demands Pakistan was not only accused of supporting Taliban and terrorists but a new chapter in the history of state terrorism was written in order to pressurize Pakistan. Propaganda campaign was started that terrorists murdering innocent Pakistani people were prepared by Pakistan itself although present govt. of USA itself had confessed that Taliban Mujahedeen were manufactured by USA and leaving was biggest error of USA (United Satanic Alliance). The propaganda campaign against Pakistan for support of extremism was targeted in such a way as we ourselves have given our country on tender to terrorists to destroy it. In order to defame Pakistan our those enlightened intellectuals were successfully utilized who used to support Soviet Union in the past and are expert in writing against Pakistan army and ISI. Now again there target was Pak-Army, they were saying this is the Pakistan army who prepared extremists which are now not only threat to peace in Pakistan but a threat for USA and India as well. Meaning Russia, China, Sri Lanka or Myanmar has no threat from them. Most astonishing fact is that these intellectuals cannot see increased cultivation of poppy in Afghanistan, in order to earn more profit USA had introduced hybrid seeds due to which the fruit of poppy gets as big as apple and four times more Heroin can be manufactured from it.

                However now American nerves has started paralyzing, they have realized that if they did not withdraw from Afghanistan now, not only their ways to return back respectfully will be closed but the coffins of their soldiers being dispatched from Afghanistan will increase manifold. The fast and furious attacks over American forces in Afghanistan are an example of this. Not only this Afghan freedom fighters succeeded in entering safest building of American embassy in Afghanistan and devastated it, how many American soldiers lost their lives in this attack US officials succeeded in hiding that but they cannot hide the corpses of those killed on roads of Kabul. Due to reports of these increasing numbers of casualties, protests within USA are gathering momentum and few local newspapers have started republishing the news reports of casualties in Vietnam and protests along with photos.
Looting the coins made up of solid gold from Libya

                Is this the background for which USA has stopped threatening Pakistan and adopted a kind behavior? There are other aspects behind this due to which Hilary who arrived in Pakistan for two days visit and after getting title of “Mother-in-Law” for Pakistan she started laughing. These laughters might be natural but there was also a purpose behind this that was to relieve the tension within Pakistani people against USA. Otherwise, has USA now realized that geographical location of Pakistan is of much importance, which she confessed in front of media? Moreover after her return to USA that Pakistan’s concerns about increasing Indian influence in Afghanistan and attacks from Afghanistan on check-posts of Pakistan army needs to be understood.

                These emotions of kindness from USA to Pakistan were not tolerable for pro-Jewish and pro-Indian media. They posed Hilary’s interview to “Bloomberg” after return from Pakistan in such a way as USA has decided to attack Pakistan. Her interview was interpreted as threat to Pakistan which caused shame to USA like Mullen’s threats. Before this that Indian and Jewish lobby has further deteriorated the situation Hilary had to call up a press conference and she had to explain that she had not said anything in her interview that if Pakistan did not launch operation against terrorists Pakistan will have to bear the brunt. In this conference she also gave reference of her interview to “Fox News” in which she had coincided with General Kiyani that Afghan govt. should stop blaming Pakistan and itself solve its internal problems. In this conference first time Hilary confessed that USA had requested Pakistan to play its role in peace talks with Haqqani network. After all these clarifications it was not possible for media blame Pakistan for death of 13 American soldiers killed in a bomb blast few days ago.
American Contractors fighting against Libyan forces

                Here I would like to get the attention of my brothers especially defense analysts and those who keep keen eye over situation in Afghanistan that in spite of looking towards Pakistan or Haqqani network for the death of these 13 US soldiers they should also look towards India which is too much worried about friendly behavior of US towards Pakistan. India will try her best to shatter this advance towards peace in Afghanistan by blaming Pakistan for any serious terrorist activity backed by India. One can realize the Indian influence over Afghan govt. from this that after statement of Afghan President that in any expected aggression over Pakistan from USA or India Afghanistan will stand with Pakistan, (obviously USA should be behind this statement so that tension between Islamabad and Kabul can be decreased), whole Afghan capital jolted. After being forced by Northern Alliance and India, Afghan Foreign minister had to issue the statement that Hamid Qarzai had not said anything like that. If interview of Afghan President was misrepresented than he himself should have clarified it or rejected it. Here the role of NATO (about which Russia has said that in the way USA is utilizing NATO as international terrorist for filling her vicious interests this will have devastating effects) in Afghanistan should must be re-evaluated. On the one hand USA wants help from Pakistan for peace talks with Haqani while on the other hand like before NATO is accusing Pakistan. Deputy Commander of NATO in Afghanistan had said that terrorists fire on Allied Forces while Pakistani soldiers watch this as spectators meaning these terrorists has full support of Pak-Army and ISI. As soon the General issued this statement, the highlights of a documentary prepared by BBC were telecasted again & again, in which BBC had tried to prove that Taliban and ISI are two sides of same penny. This propaganda is nothing new. Let us come towards soft behavior of Pakistan’s Mother-in-Law Aunt Hilary and Hamid Qarzai;
Allied soldier protecting the Hybrid Poppy Plants

                USA and its secret agencies were busy in discovering alternative routes for Afghanistan in spite of Pakistan. In this regard they held talks with Middle Eastern States and Russia as well. However all of the American hopes were wiped away when freedom fighters from Northern and North-Western Afghanistan started attacking Allied forces. American and western media had focused on Pakhtoon Taliban speaking Pashtu, it was impossible for them to focus non-Pakhtoon Taliban, moreover including Washington they were not in a position to change their policy to black mail Pakistan in the name of support of Pakhtoon Taliban. It was also devastating for USA to inform its public that a new militants organization named as Northern Taliban has been established for which Pakistan cannot be blamed in any way, moreover when American public will come to know that international powers neighboring Afghanistan especially Russia have waged war against Americans. Now they have introduced fresh militants against Allied forces already tired of Gorilla war. In all such situations, it will be hard for American establishment to control internal affairs. On the other hand Washington is aware that when Soviet army was overpowered by Taliban, as a last nail to Soviet Union’s coffin not only USA introduced fresh troops of Mujahedeen but also provided them with anti-aircraft “Stinger” missiles. These missiles played an important role in defeat of Soviet Union. USA wants to avoid that situation. The winter season is ahead, it will be easier for freedom fighters to attack allied and US forces. All these grave realities have forced USA and CIA to turn back towards Pakistan. However on this pro-indian and Jewish lobby is too much worried, this can be imagined from this news report published in “New York Times” on 31 October that America is forced to bow in front of same ISI for talks with Haqqani network whom she was blaming for terrorism…

Written By Khalid Baig,
Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,
Date: 12 November, 2011.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

ICC Should Be Brought Out of Indian Slavery to Safeguard Cricket..!

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Three Pakistani Cricketers have been given imprisonment for allegedly being involved in Match Fixing. This brought defame to Pakistan and hurt the feelings of Pakistani nation. Everyone seems to be supporting this punishment and even protests have been held against these players within Pakistan. This was golden chance for Jewish and Indian media to turn the humiliate Pakistanis. Our public expressed their views by burning the portraits of these cricketers. Enemies are playing their role to push whole nation towards pessimism but alas! Pro-Indian elements within Pakistan especially media groups getting huge sums under the umbrella of AMAN KI ASHA has left no stone unturned to make a common of Pakistan feel guilty and humiliated. Public generally knows what media shows them or how media portrays the news to them and there is no doubt that media has been very effective weapon in the hands of Zionism since its birth. Now the Hindu-Zionist nexus has joined hand to target Pakistan in this media warfare. In such situation if Pakistani public target of propaganda if reacts violently against their own sons this is understandable. However, what should be the role of journalism? A journalist aims at a higher value i.e. to bring forward the truth with responsibility. Nevertheless, most of our media groups are devoid of these moral values. We cannot justify what our players have done or support them for match fixing but we should also highlight those events, conspiracies that are part of a Greater Game against Pakistan.

                Lets come back to our today’s topic i.e. Match Fixing. Indian influence over ICC is not a secret. Indian bookies are behind every scandal in the world of cricket, tempting cricketers for match fixing by offering them huge sums and through black mailing them. Most important of their weapons are threats and lust. These bookies are supported by RAW, and India can never allow anyone to investigate the source behind these agents, so neither ICC nor Scotland Yard ever dared to disclose the hidden hands behind these bookies. From Kerry Packer show to Sharjah Cricket, all matches are fixed and RAW earns huge amounts of profit through these gambling with the help of under world. The link between RAW, underworld, role of Chota Rajan and gambling has been already discussed in our previous article. We do not need to repeat all these details again. However, as these match fixings started no one dared to nip the evil in the bud and as a result this is now the most lucrative business for gamblers. Perhaps ICC ignored this because it could not dare to go against Indian as it has to look towards India to meet its expenses like UNO is bought by USA grants. RAW entered into this business through underworld to meet its heinous expenses. Other sources of income are human trafficking, drug smuggling, weapons smuggling and prostitution. The drama of match fixing by Pakistani cricketers was also staged by RAW to pressurize Pakistan to bow in front of India. (Lo! We are going to declare India as most favorite nation). May be Mr. Mazhar Majeed himself does not know that he is being used by RAW. He might have been used specially to target rising stars of Pakistani cricket. Whatever happened or how it was posed is another topic, before discussing the verdict of British court against Pakistani cricketers I would like quote here the brief summary of gambling in cricket and that how many have been convicted in it.
Indians can do anything to fulfil their damn plans

                                22 Players of more than 8 countries had been convicted of match fixing yet, but no one except Pakistani cricketers have been punished in this way. These include 5 Australian players, 5 Indians, 2 from British, and 3, 3 from New Zealand and Bangladesh each. Moreover Australian ex-Captain Hixon Tilker has accused Sanath Jayasuriya and Aravinda d Silva for match fixing as well. Match fixing started in 1982 when Australian Captain Billy Mardoch was accused of playing according to the instructions of book makers. These bookies used to meet him in the pavilion and discussed that how much individual score each player should make. It was also revealed that he was paid 100 pounds for returning to pavilion just on 49 scores in the 2nd test match of Ashes series played in Sydney. However no one ever dared to investigate this scandal.

                Australian fast bowlers Keith Miller and Dennis Lillee confessed that they were paid for poor performance in bowling by Indian bookies. Dennis Lillee disclosed in one of his interviews that he got afraid of the environment where he was called by Indian bookies for payment (this shows that these bookies not only buy players by money but threats as well). According to Australian newspaper ‘The Sun’ King of Spain Shayne Warne and Mark exchanged important information with Indian bookies. According to newspaper “The Age” Indians paid 15000 dollars to Shayne Warne while Mark was paid 2500 dollars to disclose the expected selected team and condition of the pitch. Shayne Warne did not stop here he had close ties with “John The Book Maker” from India.

                Ex Australian Captain Ricky Ponting is also involved in Match Fixing, and a gambler according to a British newspaper, “The Mirror”. He is an expert in gambling and match fixing. According to British newspaper The Ashes Series held in Australia were also fixed. England purchased host team for its victory in these series after 24 years and this was the reason behind the confidence of English Captain and Coach. According to Telegraph ex-fast bowler Andrew Flintoff of English cricket team was caught red handed in match fixing, so he declared retirement in 2005. According to “The Mirror” another English fast bowler was found in a pub telling the details of match plan to a bookie during World Cup-2007 played in West Indies. He was not brought to trial as well.

                3 players from safe heaven and head quarter of match fixers i.e. India were also caught red handed in match fixing.  While according to bookie, Mazhar Majeed Yuvraj Singh and Hrbhajan Singh worked for him. Sri Lanka disclosed an important video tape of Saresh Rana and a bookie. This video tape was fell into the hands of Sri Lankan police as they installed CCTV cameras for security of players and all the conversation between the bookie and Saresh Rana was recorded. However in order to save its player Indian Cricket Board claimed that the woman who met Saresh was his Assistant. ICC did not dare to investigate into this scandal because it received clear message from RAW that ICC will lose sponsorship from India. According to “Guardian”, anti-corruption board of ICC along with Indian Cricket Board did their best to suppress this scandal. Ex Indian Captain Azharruddin and Ajay Sharma were also caught red handed but they were just banned from the cricket not imprisoned. According Indian intelligence agency CBI, including Indian Captain, 4 players of Indian cricket team were in constant contact with Boss of Bookies i.e. Mukesh Guptal.

                Hansie Cronje is the first cricketer who confessed that he was paid huge sums by Indian bookies for match fixing. He revealed that during India-South Africa match in 1996 Indian captain introduced him with Mukesh Guptal. Moreover, he disclosed that he was paid 80000 dollars by Indian bookie for loosing the match on the last day of the one-day series. After two years of his disclosure, he was murdered in an aero-plane accident. Actually this was not an accident but he was murdered on the order of Indian terrorist agency RAW.

                The corruption in the cricket of Kenya was disclosed in 2004 when Morris was found guilty of receiving payment from Indian bookies. On the other hand New Zealand raised this issue to the administration of ICC that Indian bookies had contacted their players for match fixing Super Sixes in Hong Kong. After this ICC investigated the players but not the bookies. Here one fact that is very important that all those bookies reported by players were from India. Bangladesh Cricket Board also revealed that Indian bookies contacted all rounder Shakeeb-ul-Hassan, Muhammad Ashraful and opening batsman Tameem Iqbal. However until now no action has been taken by ICC. Before this Australian players Shayne Watson and David Warner also said that Indian bookies offered huge amounts for poor performances. In an interview to NDTV an Indian bookie disclosed that march between Sri Lanka and India played in Raj Kot in December 2009 was also fixed and the gambling amount was more than 28 billions.
                This brief history of match fixing and match fixers should be enough to open our eyes. What is going in ICC, who is behind this game, what are the interests of enemy, what role is being played by international media and how far Pakistani media is fulfilling its professional duties? Why ICC closed its eyes to all other cases of match fixing except Pakistan? Why ICC and Scotland Yard did not dare to investigate these bookies and hidden powers behind them? Why did not Scotland Yard and British courts disclose the supporter of bookie Mazhar Majeed?
                Maybe we are experiencing same court verdicts from British like the one we experienced at the time of partition when large area of Punjab having Muslims in majority was included into India and this caused the world’s worst migration. All this was done on the will of wife of Lord Mount Baton who was in love and illegal relations with Mr. Nehru. So in order to please Nehru British broke their own rule of partition. This happened sixty years ago, God knows now how many English Mams are in love with Indian Nehru’s and influenced the court verdict based upon racism.
IPL reminds us Bazaars of Egypt where slaves were put for sale, this is not only the  insult of Cricket but humanity as well

                Here there is also another aspect that needs our attention, now President of Pakistan has ordered that full legal support should be provided to the imprisoned cricketers, alas! He had woke up before all this happened. Moreover, in the cell where Muhammad Amir has been imprisoned, biased British racist release murdered a Muslim prisoner before his. What if it happens to our players? This will be Indian wish that such thing should happen.RAW might try to silent these cricketers in case they know anything about its black business in ICC. If these boys have been punished not for being Pakistanis but just for damage they have done to cricket than why all other gamblers are not brought to justice? Why IPL which was cause of the dying sportsmanship in players, where players are bought by Bollywood actresses for money and lust. These players are becoming devoid of spirit of competition for money.

                If we have to save cricket we will have to free ICC from Indian slavery, so that a healthy and competitive sportsmanship can be developed. All gamblers and black mailers should be brought to justice…

Written By Khalid Baig...