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Monday, March 26, 2012

UNO, Resolutions, Human Rights and Terrorism..!

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Sri Lankans protesting against UN Resolution backed by USA

A resolution against Sri Lanka has been passed for defeating Indian supported Tamils and eradicating terrorism, because Master of terrorism and Great Satan i.e. USA does not like that terrorism ends in this world especially Asia. This clearly shows double standards of UNO (maid of Great Satan) where UNO is totally blind and deaf to the human rights violations in India herself (greatest supporter and forwarder of this resolution), in Indian Held Kashmir, In Punjab against Sikhs, in whole India against minorities and lower caste Hindus. UN and stater terrorist USA and European cannot give any importance to findings of mass graves in Indian Held Kashmir, they cannot listen to the reports of human rights watch-dogs/agencies, because the goal and of India and these international terrorists is same, i.e. drink as much human blood as possible. How long these terrorists will be able to hide their war crimes with the support of Jewish media? How long will they and their UNO will declare freedom fighters as TERRORISTS and assassins of their armies indulged in state terrorism as SAVIORS? When will the international community respect the freedom fighters and will be able to differentiate between state terrorists and invaders? Why UN can pass resolution against Sri Lanka while UN could not dare to speak a single word against INDIA Mother of state terrorism under disguise of DEMOCRACY? Why is UNO blind to terrorism of ISRAEL or crusaders like USA and NATO? Because UNO itself is funded and controlled by these state terrorists.

Why world cannot see these Indian trained Tamil Gorillas?

A UN resolution against Sri Lanka was necessary for USA because Sri Lankan army clearly defeated the Indian sponsored Tamil terrorists and this exposed Indian terrorist agencies like RAW and Indian army. In Pakistan Indian trained terrorists are also on the verge of collapse. So in order to save the soft image of India an ally of USA in state terrorism and great market for US made products mostly weapons of mass destruction, USA fulfilled her duty to pressurize and save soft image of INDIA. Moreover this could also expose and start a new discussion over American support to Indian state terrorists, so in order to cover up the crimes of CIA and pressurize Sri Lanka so that Sri Lankan does not disclose evidences of Indian interference linking back to West.

Now Sri Lanka has announced to bring a resolution against India over state terrorism in Indian Held Kashmir and other Indian held provinces struggling for freedom which are more than 17 in number, but lets see that could USA bear this or USA will veto it? Will UNO show enough morals to speak against Indian war crimes? Will any resolution against USA murderer of more than 2 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan to expand her war industry and propagate terrorism be ever presented in UNO?

By the way USA wants to give India a permanent seat in General Assembly, because like United Satanic Alliance India also fulfills all qualifications for becoming a member i.e.
1) enemy of humanity
2) Indian army second to US army in massacres, genocide, gang rapes etc.
3) Like USA, India also sucks blood of human beings in the name of DEMOCRACY and still claim to be DEMOCRATIC and HUMAN FRIENDLY
4) Through media and propaganda both expert in twisting the facts and history
5) India second to business or prostitution and human trafficking and like USA Indian army also looks after such business
6) while like CIA, RAW also gets money through illegal businesses like human trafficking, drugs etc.

These are some of salient features of India which make India fit for membership of UN General Assembly...

Written By Muhammad Ahmad

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